Saturday, June 20, 2009

Welcome to Diani Beach – White sand, dolphins and sun

We have just returned from a 4 day stay at the Kenya Coast. It was an experience to say the least. To start we took an overnight bus from Nairobi to Mombasa, 8 hours of some of the bumpiest roads and only one stop for the toilet (dehydration was key). We were also impressed with our driver’s ability to pass despite oncoming traffic.

We arrived at our final destination, Diani Beach at 0630 and after looking at the beautiful beach passed out under our mosquito net. Our accommodations were somewhat less than ideal, so we spent the first day looking for a new cottage and getting our bearings. Fortunately, God was looking out for us and provided another place nearby… Let’s just say the one night we did spend was pretty much hell and we are still trying to repress the memory. Needless to say we were out of that place by 0800 the next morning, hoofing it down the road to cottage #2. It was a great relief to settle in and relax especially with the heavy rain that rolled in. It was reminiscent of the Oregon coast, just with the addition of palm trees and several monkeys.
The rest of our stay was great. We spent one day on a dhow (small boat) swimming with dolphins, snorkeling and enjoying fresh seafood. We also got a great sunburn that we are still enjoying (ouch!). Our last full day we spent walking on the beach and relaxing poolside at one of the larger resorts. It was a really nice place and now we know how the rich and famous feel.

Our trip ended with an early morning to get to Mombasa for another 8 hour bus ride that was just as bumpy and felt twice as long. Before we left we did enjoy a tuk-tuk ride around downtown Mombasa in search of coffee. It was fun to feel the wind in our hair and smell the diesel as we zoom in our three wheeled chariot.

Other highlights included fighting with mosquitoes, loud monkeys in the middle of the night, persistent beach boys and wondering when the power would come back on. Hakuna matata, just another day in Kenya right? All in all, it was a great week and were blessed to have a few days to take life at a slower pace.

1 comment:

  1. okay, seriously... I think you guys stayed in the same exact cottage we did!!! Where was your first night? that sucks it was so awful. Did you hire a cook? looks great! I can't believe you are only half way through the trip... holy cow. can't wait to hear more stories!
